Only strings attached

Discovering the double bass

I returned to guitar playing in October after suffering a bad longboarding accident that resulted in a torn ACL and meniscus, along with partial tears along my LCL and MCL - the MRI report was long in detailing the trauma my right knee suffered. Safe to say, I am out of my favorite sport for a while and I won't be returning to the mats for any grappling as well in the next year or two.

I was glad to discover my classical guitar teacher, whom I had taken lessons with couple of years back, had left his job to pursue teaching full time. After getting the basics back into my fingers again, I wanted to take on a different instrument since I felt I have the time to juggle that. I mean, I'm not going anywhere literally!

I listened back to some of favorite jazz records and the thumping of the double bass kept calling out to me, and I decided that preposterous as it may be to myself, it might be worthwhile taking the leap. I ended up ordering one from a local shop and found myself 2 teachers here who taught it from a classical perspective and that's where I am. When the shop asked me to choose the type of bow (included as part of the purchase), I arbitrarily opted for the German one. Don't ask me why, I suspect it has to do with my warm feelings from working with German programmers in a previous job (Danke, Soenke!).

Barely a month later, I can finally press down all 4 strings in half position (though barely when it comes to the E string), my bowing is horrid and I hope it will only be uphill from here.

I hope to journal down my practice and progress in the new year here as a means of tracking my progress and solidifying what I've learnt, at least with regards to theory, among other things.